Since Amstech was founded in 1990, we have earned our highly regarded reputation, as well as gained wide and varied experience in the power generation, marine, engine, turbine, cogeneration, distributed energy, military, contractor, and related fields.

We are now a thriving multifaceted business, and take pride in providing customers with top quality services. Amstech utilizes our years of fine tuned application know-how, with a strong emphasis on the best way to meet all of the prospective customer's needs.

Proudly representing great companies, that bring you the high quality products you want, and require.

Much of our product lines are traditionally engineered to the customer’s application.

Our principals vigorously pursue new solutions to solve your engineering problems and meet the client's desires.

Amstech realizes the needs of today's market place, and places high priorities on timely quotes at competitive pricing, which is followed by quality parts, delivered on time, to your requirements.

Amstech is your clear choice as a supplier. Earning your Trust & Saving you Money.



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